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Pet Corner Pals Loyalty Program

Pet Corner Pals is Pet Corner's loyalty program designed to reward and provide exclusive benefits to their loyal customers. Here's how the program generally works:


1. Sign Up: Customers can sign up for Pet Corner Pals either in-store or online. The program is free to join and available to customers in participating Pet Corner locations.


2. Earn Points: Once enrolled, customers earn points for every qualifying purchase they make at Pet Corner stores or through the online platform. Please note Aed 1 is equivalent to 1 point. The number of points earned may vary based on the total amount spent. Additionally, members can earn bonus points on select products or during promotional events.


3. Redeem Rewards: Accumulated points can be redeemed for rewards. These rewards may include discounts on future purchases, coupons, or special offers exclusive to Pet Corner Pals members. The redemption options and available rewards may vary over time.


4. Birthday Rewards: Pet Corner Pals members receive special birthday treats for their pets. These may include discounts, freebies, or personalized offers to celebrate their pet's special day.


5. Exclusive Offers and Promotions: Pet Corner Pals members have access to exclusive offers and promotions throughout the year. This may include early access to sales, member-only discounts, or sneak peeks at new products.


6. Member Communication: Members receive regular updates and newsletters with information about upcoming promotions, new product launches, and pet care tips. This keeps members informed and engaged with the program.


7. In-Store Benefits: In addition to the online perks, Pet Corner Pals members can enjoy certain benefits when shopping in Pet Corner stores. These benefits may include personalized recommendations, special in-store events, or priority access to grooming services.


8. Online Account Management: Members can manage their Pet Corner Pals account online. This allows them to track their points balance, view transaction history, update personal information, and customize their communication preferences.


It's important to note that specific details of the Pet Corner Pals loyalty program, including point accumulation rates, rewards, and promotions, may vary over time and are subject to the program's terms and conditions. Customers are encouraged to review the current program details on Pet Corner's website or consult with Pet Corner's customer service for the most up-to-date information.


By participating in Pet Corner Pals, customers can enjoy rewards, exclusive offers, and a personalized shopping experience as a way of expressing appreciation for their loyalty to Pet Corner.


Exceptions: Please note Pet Corner Pal Points currently work independently for in store purchases, while the points on our website, can only be used online and shown as discount. However, all invoices raised by Pet Corner will reflect your points balance on your invoices.
